Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Sophistication of Simplicity

Crownix X
© Cabeto

People often ask me where does sophistication of simplicity come from? It comes from the idea in nature all beautiful and complex things are actually very simple. It is often the result of simple rules applied in a very efficient way what generates complex results, and sometimes for no particular reason. Take for example snowflakes

I am fascinated by the way nature follows this process and I try to capture it in my sculptures through parametric models and variations. I use simple geometrical relations and basic rules of symmetry to create complex and intriguing forms. People find my work striking and enchanting. I find it extremely pleasing.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Parametric Winter


Octohedrix 2
© Cabeto

Parametric Winter is the name of my first anthology with the Octohedrix series done during the fall of 2009 and winter of 2010 in Washington DC. The name was inspired by watching the snow through my window when I was exploring the complex geometrical variations in my models during one of the worst snow blizzards in the last century. Zillions of tiny snowflakes where falling from the sky when I created the name Parametric Winter as an analogy of my creative process and to remind me of how nature creates incredible diversity from very simple rules.

More than 30 inches of snow where piled on the ground and my little son could not resist going out to enjoy this feast. While he was playing in the snow, I was watching him through a window in the comfort of my house playing with geometry and parameters in my computer. Is this some kind of coincidence or perhaps it was meant to be?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Un Invierno Parametrico

Octohedrix 12
© Cabeto
Un Invierno Parametrico es el titulo de mi tercera coleccion de formas creadas con modelos parametricos.  El titulo sirve de inspiracion para mi proceso creativo basado en la naturaleza, y a la vez como una alegoria con la generacion de cristales de nieve. Invierno Parametrico me recuerda las gradiosas tormentas de nieve que acosaron mi ciudad durante el invierno de 2010. La nieve caia sin cesar por dias enteros acumulandose a montones por las calles y aceras. Mientras mi hijo se deleitaba jugando con la nieve afuera, yo jugaba con formas parametricas en mi computadora. Pareciera que todo el universo conspira para que esta creacion sucediera. Nada es casual...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

La Magia de la Geometria

Octohedrix 46
© Cabeto
Para mi hacer modelos parametricos es como hacer magia. Con solo algunas reglas y variaciones geometricas es posible la generacion de miles de formas que solo existen en mi mente y que con mucho ingenio y un algo de suerte logro traer a esta realidad.

Como artista soy responsable del manejo inicial del modelo parametrico y sus variables, pero de inmediato dejo que la imaginacion tome control y me lleve a un mundo donde nuevas formas emergen como naipes en un acto de magia.